Friday, November 16, 2012

Peaches & Cream Refrigerator Oatmeal

Don't let the name fool you!  This breakfast is one of my new favorites, and it's super healthy.

The night before, combine, cover, and refrigerate:
1/2 c. old fashioned (uncooked) oats (not quick cook)
1 TBSP chia seeds
1/2 c. light vanilla soy milk (You may want more in the morning to thin the oatmeal.)
1 small container (5-6 oz.) peach yogurt (If you use Greek yogurt, you may want to add a little more milk.)
1 diced peach (I used canned.)

In the morning, stir and enjoy!  Again, if the oatmeal is too thick for your liking, add in a little more milk.

1 comment:

  1. You can use whatever milk that you prefer, but the vanilla soy has a rich flavor that adds to the "cream" illusion. You could always add in a dash of vanilla flavoring.

    Feel free to leave out the chia seeds or substitute with ground flaxseed.


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